Category: Teens

FredGrams: A History of Columbus Day

Go directly to  the musical COLUMBUS DAY CARDS at October 12, 1492 is said to be the day Italian navigator Christopher Columbus first sighted land in the Western Hemisphere. Shortly thereafter, CC and his celebrated fleet-the Nina, Pinta and…

FredGrams: A History Of Independence Day (4th Of July)

Go directly to the musical INDEPENDENCE DAY CARDS at FREDGRAMS.COM. A little historical background regarding Independence Day as a preface to reviewing the vintage musical greeting cards (FREDGRAMS.COM) celebrating this most patriotic of holidays. Without the courageous Declaration of Independence,…

FredGrams: A History of Memorial Day

The American Civil War was the central event of our history, testing, in Lincoln’s immortal words, whether our  “new nation [or any nation], conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…can long endure.” We…